Thinking about Canadian Fictions
>> Monday, October 18, 2010
So ...I haven't been doing much with this blog lately (how's that for understatement!?) but I did have a thought about it the other day.
I haven't been blogging here because I am so swamped with my schoolwork (PhD in Canadian Studies) that I really don't have much time/energy for reading/reviewing Canadian fiction these days.
So ... how to use this blog, then? It's called Flitting through Canadian Fiction ... but I'm not. And then, my ~brilliant~ thought.
I am indeed still flitting through Canadian fiction... well, fictions. The more I learn about Canada, the more fictions I discover... and especially, catch in the news media.
- Canada respects human rights.
- Canada is compassionate.
- Canada cares about the environment.
- Canadians have access to free health care....
- Stephen Harper... oh where to start!?
and so on.
So (yes, I know, I am over-using SO; so what? [I'm a little punchy; been marking first year essays for days now]) .... that's where I think this blog is going to head over the next year or so.