Still Around

>> Thursday, September 24, 2009

Funny, isn't it? Now that I am in Canadian Studies, I just don't seem to have much time for reading Canadian fiction.

Obviously, I am going to have to make time for it again! I'm going into withdrawal.

Right at the moment though, I'm mostly engaged in reading Canadian NONfiction. Suppose I could write about some of that too.

Will spare you the many academic articles I have been reading for my core course - interesting as they may be. Actually, I have enjoyed reading them far more than I expected to. I'm a little embarassed at how much I have already learned - I am almost 50 years old and have lived in Canada for all but a few years (during which we lived in Germany; I'm an air force brat) - and I was around for many of the events I have been reading about - I just didn't pay much attention!

I should know a lot more about Canada than I do - and by the end of this year, I will.

But I am reading a couple of interesting nonfiction books - got 3 on the go right now, actually.

One is Taking Back Our Spirits by Jo-Ann Episkenew - a book about Indigenous literature, public policy and healing that is based on the author's PhD thesis. I met Jo-Ann at Congress earlier this year, and will hopefully see her again at Congress next year as well. The book is highly readable - a LOT more readable than many other based-on-thesis books I've waded through - and I'm sure that I will be able to use it.

I've also just finished Joseph Gold's The Story Species - that would be us, i.e. humans. A very interesting read, and like Taking Back Our Spirits, very relevant to my thesis research. Gold also wrote Read For Your Life which I absolutely love, and which is the most commonly cited book in many of my research papers - it is an excellent resource on the function of fiction, which is, of course, the topic of my doctoral research. Me - I'm doing doctoral research - isn't that cool?!

My bathtub book right now is also Canadian nonfiction - I've been reading Neil Sutherland's book about the history of childhood in Canada (Growing Up). I've read one chapter of this work numerous times - "When You Listen to the Winds of Childhood" - I used it when I was working on my honours essay in fourth year, and have used it since, also. When I saw the book in a used book store, I had to buy it.... but just now getting around to actually reading it!

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